News: Purcell appointed to University of East Anglia framework

We are delighted to be continuing our relationship with the University of East Anglia (UEA) and their world-famous campus in Norwich through our appointment to their consultant framework.
Under the UEA’s Estates Division Capital and Minor Works Consultant Register Framework, we will be working on Lot 2: Architecture and Masterplanning, continuing our partnership with the university, following the successful provision of framework services on the campus since 2018.
During the previous framework term and led from our Norwich studio, Purcell successfully delivered projects such as the relocation of the world-leading Seaglider Research Based, refurbishment of the Edith Cavell Building to a Clinical Centre of Excellence and maintenance improvements to the Sainsbury Centre of Visual Arts. Our reappointment onto the University’s framework will enable the continuation of relationships forged with those in the estate management team and departmental stakeholders during these projects.

Additionally, Purcell continue to provide heritage advice in support of the ongoing conservation and transformation of the original, listed modernist estate, in particular with reference to the Lasdun Academic Teaching Wall and the Ziggurats student accommodation blocks.
Reflecting on the successful appointment onto the framework, Oliver Chinn, Associate in Purcell’s Norwich studio said “We are delighted to retain our place on the Framework and look forward to continued collaboration with the UEA to deliver projects across one of the most significant 20th Century campus’ in the world”.
We look forward to working with the University to deliver innovative and sensitive future design and construction projects, helping to aide campus development whilst providing solutions to the ever-evolving needs of the sector.
Purcell’s successful appointment on the UEA framework reflects our focus on Higher Education as a key sector for the practice and follows our ongoing delivery of architectural services through the University of Oxford’s framework and our recent appointment to the consultant framework for the University of Cambridge.