Saumarez Homestead

Conservation and landscape management plan

National Trust of Australia

Purcell, working with sub-consultants Betteridge Heritage and International Conservation Services, were engaged by the National Trust of Australia (NSW) to prepare a Conservation and Landscape Management Plan for Saumarez Homestead.

The CLMP was prepared in consideration of potential development projects within the cultural landscape, intended to enhance visitor experience and secure long-term financial viability of the heritage site.

Saumarez Homestead is a historic property that forms part of the National Trust (NSW) asset portfolio. Saumarez is an extensive pastoral property with a 30 room Edwardian Mansion, gardens and 15 agricultural outbuildings. The interpretation and presentation of the significant built items are supported by the extensive Homestead collection of original furnishings and items, together with the 3500 or so farm collection items.

In recognising the importance of a values-based management approach, the Trust has sought to commission a Conservation and Landscape Management Plan. Purcell and sub-consultants Betteridge Heritage and International Conservation Services were engaged by the National Trust of Australia (NSW) to prepare a Conservation and Landscape Management Plan (CLMP) for Saumarez Homestead. The CLMP was being prepared in consideration of potential development projects within the significant cultural landscape intended to both enhance visitor experience and secure long term financial viability of this cultural heritage site.

Slaughter House (Source: Purcell)

Saumarez is situated within a considerable cultural landscape. The retention of its setting and context is imperative to the protection and presentation of its values. The project team were required to carefully balance the retention of the cultural landscape while developing a framework within which opportunities for cultural heritage tourism could be developed to ensure financial viability.

Machine Shed with agricultural collection. (Source: Purcell)
North Elevation. (Source: Purcell)
Welcoming Harold White home from WWI, date unknown. (Source: NT collection)

The Conservation and Landscape Management Plan is intended to identify the significance of the built and landscape features of the place and its collections and to identify the values embodied by these items. The CLMP is presented in two volumes. Volume 1 is structured as to overarching guidance document. It outlines the significance and values of the place and its individual features. Importantly for this site it also establishes the significant views, vistas and cultural landscape for this rural property so as to ensure their long-term protection and retention. Volume 2 provides policies and management actions to inform the development of proposals for sensitive and compatible change.

Location: Armidale, New South Wales, Australia
Client: National Trust of Australia (NSW)
Listing: NSW State Heritage Register, Local Council Heritage Listing, National Trust (NSW), Register of the National Estate